Monthly Archive: January 2016

EON for Oracle – Finding lost items

There is much truth in the “once learned, never forgotten” phrase. Whether we want to remember them or not depended on how much importance we prioritise them at that point in time. Often the...


When A Child is Born

I loved listening to Johnny Mathis’ version of the song “When A Child Is Born” in the late 70s. The song was so meaningful then and had left wonderful ‘rays of hope’ each time...


Childbirth and Family Relationships

  It has been an interesting week for me. I was surprised when Wang (my business partner at EON INSPIRE) created a WhatsApp ‘FEN COMMUNITY’ group for FEN (Five Elements Numerology) students, without “pre-alerting”...


Checking on John’s mental states

Someone recently posted a search query on this site with his or her birth date. I thought I might as well surprise and analyse this person’s birth chart, and introduces one complimentary technique here for all to...


Overlapping yearly energies

Durians. Some people love eating this tropical ‘king’ of the fruits, while others couldn’t stand the pungent smell of it. Eating durians can be viral and contagious. It has the love-hate relationship of sorts,...


Periodic Codes – Birth and Daily Codes

In today’s article, I’ll be focusing on yet another interesting technique to analyse an EON chart; by identifying the Annual Code and Birth Code vibes. I’ve introduced the Periodic Codes method to FEN Advanced students in class, and showed...


Visual Story: Year 2016 energies

I hope you’ve read my article “Numerological Predictive Observations 2016” posted yesterday. If you’ve not previously done so, please check them out first to gather an overview of what’s in store for you and...


Numerological Predictive Observations 2016

Happy New Year Greetings to All! For the past few years, I’ve always put special effort on the first article “Numerological Predictive Observations” that I’m posting for the year. It’s more complicated (and time-consuming)...

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